ETH Price — ETH/USD: $2700

Explore Ethereum Price, Market Data, and Analysis.


ETH Market Data

Based on recent data 7.17 PM 27.08.2024 data.

ETH Price


24H% Change


Market Cap


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Circelating Supply


Max Supply

No limit


2 Rank

How to Buy Ethereum


Set up a purchase

Among the proposed cryptocurrencies, select ETH, and also specify the fiat currency in which you will pay. You can choose how to pay using any option that is convenient for you.


Fill in the details

Specify the details of your crypto wallet to which you want to send coins, as well as the details of the payment method you want to use to pay for the purchase.


Confirm your identity

Verify your identity by providing a photo of your documents, which can be a passport, driver’s license, or ID card. This is necessary to be sure that you are a real person.


Make a Payment

Follow all the instructions that appear on the screen, confirm the payment and wait until the ETH cryptocurrency arrives in your wallet.

Ethereum Markets

# Exchange Pair Price +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume (24h) Volume % Confidence
1 Binance ETH/USDT $2,688.76 $15,940,086 $13,389,506 $577,877,660 4,74% Hight
2 Coinbase ETH/USD $2,688.55 $9,576,841 $8,093,738 $154,777,441 1,27% Hight
3 OKX ETH/USDT $2,688.71 $4,063,661 $4,467,152 $157,489,196 1,29% Hight
4 Bybit ETH/USDC $2,688.42 $1,248,977 $2,043,191 $418,208,135 3,43% Hight
5 Kraken ETH/USD $2.688.02 $10,041,190 $11,746,671 $24,517,829 0,20% Hight

NFTs on Ethereum


Top NFT Collections on Ethereum

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# Name Pair Price +2% Depth -2% Depth
1 people


208.28 ETH

9.1 ETH

9.0556 ETH



2 people


208.28 ETH

9.1 ETH

9.0556 ETH



3 people


208.28 ETH

9.1 ETH

9.0556 ETH



4 people

Lil Pudgys

208.28 ETH

9.1 ETH

9.0556 ETH



5 people


208.28 ETH

9.1 ETH

9.0556 ETH




About Ethereum

Running smart contracts, Ethereum is a decentralized platform. With market capitalization, it ranks second among all the cryptocurrencies. Ethereum was founded in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin. Many other blockchain-based initiatives are being developed using the Ethereum blockchain.

What is Ethereum?
Ethereum is a platform that enables the creation and execution of smart contracts and decentralized applications on blockchain. While Bitcoin is primarily used for storing and transferring value, Ethereum has a more extensive focus on programming capabilities.
Programs running autonomously on the blockchain and carrying out the terms stated therein are known as smart contracts. In the Ethereum ecosystem, Ether is a digital currency used for fees and transaction payments. Ethereum makes creating and running smart contracts and decentralized apps possible.
Ether price
The growing interest in distributed finance and NFTs over the last year has greatly raised Ethereum’s price. Right now, it is 2,749.25 USD for 1 ETH. Market mood, development activity, legislative changes, and institutional acceptance all affect ETH’s price updates. Ethereum prices grow in a bullish market. In a negative market, ETH prices fall. Ether price may also change with legislative shifts like government prohibitions.
How Ethereum works?
Run on a blockchain, Ethereum is a decentralized network wherein every node serves as a copy of the database and verifies transactions alongside. The backbone of the Ethereum network is smart contracts. When their code’s defined requirements are satisfied, they run automatically. Transactions on the network are conducted using Ether. Processing transactions and supporting the network, live nodes help to maintain system security and decentralization.
How does staking work on Ethereum?
Staking on Ethereum involves locking up ether in the wallet to validate transactions and create new blocks, contributing to network security. Stakers get free ether and transaction fees as pay-off. Two basic methods to stake are delegated staking, which distributes ether to a pool, and solo staking, which calls for technical knowledge and hardware. Network performance and staked ether determine the required ether amount.
How is the Ethereum network secured?
Due to its Proof-of-Stake consensus method, decentralized control, powerful cryptographic algorithms, and community monitoring, the Ethereum network is quite safe. Validators invest in ETH in order to process transactions and generate new blocks. Working to enhance security, the Ethereum community keeps an eye on the network for weaknesses. Still, no system is totally impervious to assault, so two-factor authentication and safe wallets help protect Ethereum funds.
Ethereum gas
For all network operations, including token distribution and execution of smart contracts — Ethereum runs on gas. The gas helps miners pay for their equipment and prevents spam. The complexity of the transaction and network load affect costs. Use value estimating techniques, minimize data, and transact when there is less network traffic to optimize your gas expenditures. Gas fees are dynamic, and subject to many variables.
Smart contracts
Created in a programming language, a smart contract is a self-executable contract kept on a blockchain. It automatically satisfies all terms if certain criteria are satisfied. Smart contracts provide speed, security, automation and transparency. They do, however, have some limits and pitfalls, including possible human mistakes and the need for great talents to expand their structure. Many blockchain initiatives start with them and provide new opportunities for decentralized applications.
Ethereum token standards
On the Ethereum network, Ethereum Token Standarts are guidelines defining the production and purpose of tokens. ERC-20 is the most often used standard as it describes token operations, including total tokens, balance, transfer, and endorsement. Since they allow tokens to be included in many use cases and platforms, these criteria are vital for compatibility, openness, and innovation. Other standards include ERC-721 AND ERC-1155.
Ethereum 2.0
Targeting performance, scalability, and energy economy, Ethereum 2.0 is a major upgrade to the Ethereum network. Important characteristics include sharding, a change to the Proof-of-Stake algorithm, and enhanced scalability. These developments seek to provide distributed applications with a reliable, scalable, and ecologically friendly platform, hence increasing Ethereum’s appeal to consumers and developers with fresh growth opportunities for creators equipped with modern tools and agreements.
Ethereum Merge
The Ethereum Merge in September 2024 marked a significant shift in the blockchain’s operations, transitioning from a Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm to a more energy-efficient Proof-of-Stake. This change eliminated the need for mining and established a more efficient network. Mergers also paved the way for scaling, enabling more transactions and lower fees. The event showcased Ethereum’s adaptability to new challenges.

ETH Price History

# Date Comparison Amount
1 Today 2,749.25 USD
2 30 Days 3,174.05 USD
3 60 Days 3,394.37 USD
4 90 Days 3,749.18 USD

ETH to Currency

# Currencies Cost
1 1 ETH to TRY 91,199.19 TRY
2 1 ETH to RUB 245,357.62 RUB
3 1 ETH to EUR 2,400.74 EUR
4 1 ETH to AED 9,848.84 AED
5 1 ETH to AUD 3,957.63 AUD
6 1 ETH to BRL 14,740.15 BRL
7 1 ETH to VND 66,621,619.05 VND
8 1 ETH to IDR 41,606,535.13 IDR

Ethereum Analytics

Addresses by holdings

$0 - $1k


$1k - $100k





Whale Holdings






Addresses by time held








Average trading transaction fees

0.00069 ETH



Ethereum Resources



What is the Ethereum ETH price?
At the moment, the price of Ethereum is 2700 USD. Market demand, supply, and other factors all affect its continually changing price. It’s important to review real-time data for the current price.
What is the point of buying Ethereum?
Purchasing Ethereum exposes one to a top blockchain supporting distributed apps and smart contracts. Viewed as a long-term financial hold, investors would be counting on Web3 and decentralized finance going forward.
What makes ETH valuable?
Ethereim’s value comes from its usage in smart contracts, which function as the backbone of distributed apps, and its impact in the DeFi domain. Furthermore, adding to its perceived worth are forthcoming enhancements like Ethereum 2.0.
What influences the Ethereum price?
Financial factors like market conditions, technical developments, news on regulations, and general acceptance of Ethereum’s blockchain system affect its price. Furthermore, circumstances and competition from other cryptocurrencies are important.
Can Ethereum reach 100k?
Although some experts predict that Ethereum may hit 100,000 USD, this is quite unlikely. Several elements would have to line up for ETH to get such a high price: mass adoption, significant technological advancements, and a favorable market environment.
How do you analyze crypto prices?
Technical analysis, which examines price charts and indicators, and fundamental analysis, which assesses the technology, team, market demand, and macroeconomic variables, are two methods used to analyze cryptocurrency values. News and sentiment analysis have an impact on price forecasts as well.
What is the best way to invest in ether?
Nobody has a one-size-fits all response to this question. Your investing objectives, risk tolerance, and market situation will all affect the optimum moment to purchase ETH. Some investors think that because buying ETH at a discount presents a good chance, it is advisable to do so while the market is down.
What time is best to buy ETH?
While identifying the lucrative market timing is difficult, the ideal time to acquire ETH is during market declines when prices are lower. A safer approach to reducing volatility is dollar-cost averaging, which involves buying set amounts on a regular basis.
Should I keep money in ETH?
If you think Ethereum’s ecosystem and long-term viability hold promise, then keeping money in ETH may be profitable. Nonetheless, investments in cryptocurrencies are unpredictable, so it is advisable to diversify your portfolio and only make losses within your means.
How high can Ethereum go in 2024?
Network improvements, adoption rates, and market circumstances all influence Ethereum’s possible 2024 performance. Although exact forecasts are just theoretical, several experts project considerable increases. Crypto investors should pay attention to trends and professional viewpoints.